We are all part a family from the very beginning of our life, whether it is blood related, adopted, or foster family. Our family influences greatly our development as human. Family dynamics and relationships impact on our experience of life and inform or understanding of ourselves, others, and the world around us.
Being a member of a family a warm and joyful experience. However, sometimes families can go through challenges and issues, which can affect its members. Some examples of challenges and issues a family can face are:
- Separation or divorce
- Financial issues such as debt or redundancy
- Parenting issues
- Step-family life issues
- Changes in family due to a bereavement or illness
- Problematic behaviour with children
- Children leaving home
- Issues with pregnancy (for example, miscarriage) or unwanted pregnancy
- Affairs
Signs that a family might be struggling include:
- Abuse (physical, emotional, sexual)
- Avoidance/indifference
- Breakdown in communication
- Constant arguments and disagreements
Family issues not only impact on the relationship between its members, but they can significantly impact on everyone in the family separately. If family issues are impacting on you might be experiencing:
- Anxiety or Stress
- Anxiety
- Anger or irritability
- Sadness
- Confusion
- Eating and/or sleeping problems
- Exhaustion
- Feelings of loneliness
- Withdrawal
- Low life satisfaction
- Low self-esteem
- Use of substances as a coping mechanism (alcohol/drugs)
When to seek help
If family issues are impacting on you or your relationships is important to seek for help. Therapy/ counselling can help you deal with family issues.
Dr Maria Pournara has extensive experience working with family issues and offers therapy / counselling for family issues online.